DAO Cycles
In order to create opportunities for alignment and transparency, the DAO operates in nested inspect-and-adapt loops. Starting with the largest and moving to the smallest, these are the following DAO-wide alignment and accountability loops.
Seasons Seasons are funding cycles (typically 3 months) intended to align the DAO’s collective energy to key objectives. These objectives are in the form of funded initiatives BANK token holders vote on before each season. Seasonal funding is largely dispersed through the Grants Committee.
Biweekly KPI Reports Funded projects are encouraged to provide progress updates every other week. Updates can be listed on project wiki pages, via Forum posts, or through weekly Community Calls. The update should include funding used; updates on KPIs and progress towards goals; and potential blockers.
Weekly Community Calls Weekly DAO-wide Community Calls are designed to align initiatives and surface needs. All guest passes and contributors can join on Discord and the stream is broadcast to Twitch and posted to YouTube for public viewing.