DAO Org Units
The DAO is a multicellular network of organizational units united by our shared mission, vision, and values. These units are self-managed, possess their own internal multi-signature wallets, and often develop their own internal governance processes. Three of these organizational units deserve special attention given their prominence in the current org structure. These are Guilds, Projects, and the Grants Committee. See the DAOs composition on this Sobol map.
Guilds Guilds are professional associations of subject matter experts focused on onboarding, education, and community building. This may be through shared learning events or through providing specialized services within and without the DAO. Individuals responsible for the smooth operation of guilds are referred to as guild coordinators. Guilds elect their own coordinators and any other internal roles as needed on a seasonal basis. New guilds may be created (via proposal) based on current interest and perceived value to the DAO. See: Guild List
Projects While Guilds serve as talent pools, projects act as objective-based initiatives. They are product or service-oriented value streams designed to make an impact and accomplish some defined end. Anyone can start a project. Projects may seek funding by submitting proposals through the DAOs governance process. Each project has a project champion who is uniquely responsible to report and account for that project's status and expenditures. See: Project List
Grants Committee This committee is responsible to vet groups seeking midseason funding and consequently ensure funded entities provide ongoing transparency into the state of their development.
The grants treasury will be used to fund projects that are ready to start mid-season and can’t or shouldn’t wait for the next season for funding. The treasury can also fund projects that don’t align with the current DAO priorities but align with its mission and values and warrant funding.
Grants Committee consists of 5-7 members along with a multisig with all committee members as signers. The Committee has a quorum with five members but is otherwise responsible for its own operations. The Committee cannot change the application process to be a Committee member without a snapshot vote and is encouraged to accept the DAO’s proposal template. The Grants Committee is required to be transparent and communicative with the DAO, such as access to Committee meetings and an opportunity to voice opinions and feedback.
Grants Leads are key individuals responsible for organizing the program and ensuring that things move smoothly and efficiently. The lead will likely dedicate a significant amount of time to the program. There are two Grant Leads to ensure there is not a single point of failure. Grants Leads serve a 6-month term and can resign at any time. The committee will elect two Leads from within the group of 7 reviewers.
Grants Reviewers process applications, weigh in on discussions surrounding budget planning, ensure that the lead is acting in good faith and is effective in their role, and will operate a 4 of 7 multisig which disburses funds to grantees. The reviewers will also hold the program accountable to its goals and objectives and return any excess funds to the Bankless Treasury. Reviewers are likely to dedicate a smaller amount of time to the program. Grants Reviewers serve a 6-month term and can resign at any time.
When there is a vacancy on the Grants Committee, there is a period where anyone can volunteer by submitting an application on the proposals section of Discourse that includes:
Discord handle Reason for applying Qualifications Sponsor(s) (i.e. someone who will second your nomination) The submission period will remain open for one week before the end of the current season, after which submissions will be taken to Snapshot. Submissions can be made here. One week prior to the end of the current season, applications will be uploaded to Snapshot and decided on by a weighted snapshot vote, and the highest four voted applications will be elected into the Grants Committee.
Any unapproved candidate can gather feedback, improve their resume, and resubmit for future vacancies. Committee members can be recalled with a 51%+ Snapshot vote. Committee members can leave the Committee at any time by submitting a written resignation note to the Committee. See: Grants Committee Notion Page